Find Our flowers


  1. Bouquets at our roadside stand at the end of our driveway (118 4th Street, Stirling).  I will be open on FRIDAYS  from 10 am-5 pm. Purchases are on the honour system and can be purchased either by cash or through Shopify. Pickups during the week are an option but only in the evenings.
  2. Bouquets are available at Cafe Noir Coffee Shop on 6th street on an almost weekly basis, every Friday by noon. Start date depends very much on the weather but generally mid-June and continues until there is a hard frost. Best to follow along on Instagram as I always post there in stories if I'm bringing flowers. Some weeks I can't because I have too many events and don't have the time to design.
  3. I will also be at the Wednesday Downtown Farmer’s Market in Lethbridge with bouquets and buckets of blooms. Choose from bouquets already made or you can choose the blooms while I design it for you on the spot.
  4. You can also purchase blooms throught the shop tab above. If you don't see what you'd like there, just send an email through the contact tab.